Welcome to our new website!
More about Eagle Forum at our national website, http://eagleforum.org, state website, http://eagleforumofcalifornia.org, and assorted social media pages. Eagle Forum Sacramento is the metro Sacramento, California, chapter.
We meet monthly the third Wednesday of the month 7:00 pm in the clubhouse at Arden Park, 1000 La Sierra Drive, Sacramento. Count on an interesting guest speaker and program.
You are invited to attend. If you like what you see please join nationally ($25) and California/Sacramento ($25). To inquire further contact Karen Klinger, (916) 712-8889.
Eagle Forum’s mission is to enable conservative pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policymaking so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, national independence, constitutional government, and private enterprise.
Though in the form of a questionnaire for political candidates, the 2018 Eagle Forum Candidate Questionnaire indicates its position on a host of issues. http://eagleforum.org/political/candidate-questionnaire.html